About us

Training & Budget Services Inc. (TABS) primary function is to work with low socio-economic families who are feeling the pressure and stress because of their financial situations that are affecting the well-being of the family. We are the only service opened 52 weeks in the year to support the financially stressed community.

Our most demanding service is the Total Money Management operation.

This service effectively ensures that mortgages, rents, living expenses, finance companies and debt collectors accounts are all paid. Our service makes negotiations with creditors and (when necessary) government agencies.

We work alongside of Work & Income NZ and Inland Revenue ‘Working for families’ to ensure beneficiaries and low-income clientele are receiving all supplementary entitlements and maintain direct contact with creditors to alleviate pressure. We conduct comprehensive budget training courses to the communities in the Auckland area which are designed to meet the needs of our diverse multi-cultural society.

Our organisation believes we can make a huge difference in the lives of the people that walk through our doors.


TABS was established in 1992 by Dawn Sadd and Marg Roach, two women who recognised the need to assist financially stressed families in desperate need of help and other social issues affecting families.

Both had been employed by the Department of Social Welfare as budget Liason officers and when those jobs were made redundant because of government changes, they decided to leave and start a non-profitable organisation.

This service was established to work alongside families and individuals who were in severe financial debt and needed instant assistance towards solving their problems and making arrangements with creditors instantly.

A trust bank account was opened, monies of clients were deposited and arrangements were made to avoid repossession of vehicles, chattels, rental arrears and mortgagee sales making sure families had adequate money for food, children's needs and personal items. The organisation has been operating for over twenty years very successfully and has continued to work alongside people assisting them with their financial situation, some with over $80,000 to $100,000 debt, cleared successfully over time. Marg has now passed on, but her spirit will always be with us; a truly loving soul.

Why us?

Our service is one of few budgeting providers who assist in Total-money management for individuals and families who are in stressful situations that contribute to financial hardship.

Our services assist in:

  • Debt Recovery
  • Mortgagee Sales
  • Repossession of vehicles and chattels
  • Preventing Bankruptcy
  • Kiwi Saver applications