Dawn Sadd
Dawn worked as a budget Liason officer for the Department of Social Welfare and recognises the financial pressures on families. She believes that all debt can be negotiated and cleared, with 30 years of experience and great outcomes she knows the future will be brighter and life ahead can. be prosperous.

Paul Christensen
Paul Christensen has long served Training & Budget Services as a valued board member. He was a Secondary and Primary School teacher over 19 years and specialised as a Victim Advisor for the Ministry of Justice for 10 years.

Russel Sadd
Russel is the new CEO of Training and Budget services. Born and raised in South Auckland Russel knows first hand the struggles his community endure daily. Russel is building a strong reputation fighting for impoverished peoples rights, leading Tabs into its new growth phase for the future. Russel has lead also, the Financial education side of Tabs for 8 years.

Jodie Walters: Ngā Puhi
Jodie is our Mental Health Financial consultant for service providers. She is a very compassionate gentle person who is dedicated to helping others. She has lived most of her life in Papatoetoe and has had experience in the disability sector and understands the pressures pertaining to this.

Pita Heremaia: Ngā Puhi Te Rarawa
Peter is a consultant that is passionate and dedicated to people and the community. He is a real people's person that always goes the extra mile. We love his sense of humour and knowledge of the business world at large. Also represents our organisation. A genuinely sincere empathetic person.

Chano Ashe

Chelyn Deane

Wendy Kake

Nora Restrepo